Urase laboratory web site

Who is Taro

Biographical Information, Taro Urase

1967 Birth date
1986-1990 B.Eng., Urban Eng., Univ. of Tokyo
1990-1995 Ph. D. (D. Eng.), Graduate School of Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo
– (1992-1995 Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Japanese Junior Scientists.)
1995 Research Associate of Urban Eng., Univ. of Tokyo
1997 Associate Professor, Environmental Science Center, Univ. of Tokyo
– (Teaching staff at Dept. of Urban engineering, Univ. of Tokyo)
– (AGS (Alliance for Global Sustainability) Secretariat)
1999-2008 Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
– (2004-2006 Head of Dept. Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2008- Professor, School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo University of Technology
– (2011-2016 Head of environmental and safety committee of the university)
– (2013-2017 Head of the committee for education in school of biosci. and biotechnol.)
– (2017-2019 Advisory board member for the president of the university in charge of education)


Japan Society of Civil Engineers
International Water Association
Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
Japan Society on Water Environment
Membrane Society of Japan
Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
Japan Association on Odor Environment

I have experiences on reviewing articles submitted for …

Water Research, J. of Membrane Science, Water Science and Technology, Water Air & Soil Pollution, J. of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Biochemical Engineering Journal, J. of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Sciences, Applied Membrane Science and Technology, and so on.

Various activities:

A member of the committee for technology assessment for sea water desalination, Water reuse promotion center, Japan, 1999-2001
A member of the committee for planning of technical lectures, Society of Environmental Science Japan, 1999-2001
A member of the specialist group on membrane technology, International Water Association(IWA), 1999-
A secretary of the organizing committee of International Conference on membrane technology in Environmental Management, International Water Association(IWA), 1999
A member of the committee for advanced water and wastewater treatment technology, environmental engineering div., Japan society of civil engineers, 1999-
A member of the editorial board of Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 2000-2002
A member of the committee for survey on recent technological developments on environmental and civil engineering, Intellectual Property Research Institute of Japan, 2001
A member of the committee for technological collaboration on sea water desalination for petroleum-rich countries, Water reuse promotion center, Japan, 1999-2001
A member of the subcommittee for editing proceedings of 6th symposium for water resources, Japan.
A member of the committee for education and ethics, Japan society of civil engineers, 2001-
A referee for selection of papers presented at IWA world water congress, Paris (2000), Sydney (2002), Marrakech (2004) and Beijing (2006).
An invited lecture for graduate students on membrane technology, University of Technology Malaysia, 2001.
An invited lecture at 4th WISA-MTD symposium, South Africa, 2001.
A session chairman at International conference on Membrane Technology for wastewater reclamation and reuse, Israel, 2001.
A member of the editorial board of Journal of Japan of water reuse technology, Water reuse promotion center, Japan, 2002-
A member of the committee for evaluation of new technology in wastewater, Division II, Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering Technology, 2002-
A member of the regional editorial board for the journal “Water Research”, 2003-2005
A member of the committee for technology assessment for sea water desalination, Water reuse promotion center, Japan, 2003
A lecturer at JICA training course for monitoring of water environment, Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
A member of the committee for evaluation of technology assessment for sea water desalination, Ministry of Economy and Industry, Japan, 2003
Invited lecture at Japan-Taiwan workshop on Membrane Technology in Environmental Management, January 16, 2003 and January 11-12, 2006 A member of the editional committee for Journal of Japan Soc. on Water Environment, 2004-2006.
A member of the editional committee for Journal of Japan sewage works association, 2004-.
A member of the editional subcommittee for Journal of Japan Soc. of Civil engineers, Division 7 (G), 2004-2006.
A member of the committee for Environemntal Engineering, JSCE, 2005-2007.
A resposible person of JABEE examination, Dept Civil Eng., Tokyo Inst, Technol., 2004
An observer in JABEE examination of a university, 2006.
A member of the committee for selection of award for publications in civil engineering, JSCE, 2006.
A member of the subcommittee for engineering design education in consultants, JSCE, 2006.
An evaluator of Research Programs, Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education.
A member of preparation and scoring committee for the examination for professional engineers, The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan, 2003-2010
A member of committee, Control of pharmaceuticals in drinking water, Ministry of welfare and health, Japan, 2007-2009
A member of committee, Evaluation of energy saving wastewater treatment technologies, NEDO, Japan, 2007-2009
A member of committee, Discharge of micropolluntants from wastewater facilities, Ministry of land, transport and infrastructures, Japan, 2010-2012
Invited lecture at Development of water quality information platform on Sensory test for odor measurement, Environmental Research and Training Center, Phathumthani, Thailand, 2012/3/12.
A chairperson of committee, Edirotial committee for review articles for Journal JWRC, Japan Water Research Center, 2010-2013
A member of committee, Municipal Environmental Council, Hachioji Municipal government, Tokyo, Japan, 2010-
An evaluator of research proposals, Category : Research on environment, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), proposals starting in 2013 and 2014
A member of committee, Renovation of industrial water supply, Shizuoka prefectural government, Japan, 2014-2017
An evaluator of research proposals, Category : Research on civil and environmental engineering, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), proposals starting in 2016 and 2017
IChemE journals’ Top Reviewers, Elsevier Limited, 2016.
Water Science & Technology’s Inaugural Annual Reviewer of the Year Award, International Water Association, 2019.

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